Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We said "Yes"

When we first got down to La Paz one of the first things we did was have the missionary that we are working with, Peter Gatto, share with us from his heart about the ministry he was doing down here in La Paz and also to give a short testimony of God's grace and goodness in his life. One thing that stood out to us as a team was saying "yes." Saying "yes" to God and being willing to say "yes" to whatever God is calling us to do in our lives here in Mexico and back home. With it being the first day of working out at the ranch and VBS, the students had a many opportunities to say "yes" and it was amazing what has happened even in these first couple of days. As we started working out at the Ranch, I was shocked to see how many students were willing to do anything, no one complained about the heat, or the work, or the dirt, they just said "yes" and went off and did amazing work.

From painting, to building a corral for horses, to working with the sceptic, to building a roof for the Palapa, everyone was willing and eager to do anything. Then at VBS God did amazing things. This was a time where God was working on our hearts and not on the kids. There wasn't many kids that showed up last night because there was a miscommunication (who would have thought this would happen in Latin America) in who was going to invite people. So there was only a handful of kids that came. So with there being a few handful of kids I took some students out to the neighborhood to invite more students for the rest of the week. My spanish is horrendous and the person we were with didn't speak English so it was interesting from the first step. The Spanish speaking person with us (Luis) was the only person talking as we were going out in the neighborhood and after about 3 homes he said in his broken english and hand motions that he was done talking and that we needed to start talking, he went over what to say and how to invite and then didn't say another word. I had four students with me (Katie, Marci, Sammy, and Emma) and these four students are some of the quietest people on our trip but, as we approached a new home we all took turns inviting people to the VBS. It was amazing to see how, in our broken spanish, we could do this, and from that we had great conversations and got to invite a lot of people to the VBS. (please pray they come) The best part was after the last home we went too, one of the students, Katie, was just in awe of how God could use her to invite people to come hear about Jesus. The smile on her face was something I will not forget for a long time. It was amazing to see the Joy that was beaming from her, all because she decided to say yes and step out and take a chance. We may never know if any of the people we invited will show up, but for one high school girl it didn't matter, because she knows now that by just being obedient and saying "yes" she can do amazing things through Christ.

This is one of the many stories happening down here. I am very thankful to be apart of this team. Please continue to pray for us. It has carried us this far and will continue to as the week goes on.



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